EA plans for a ‘Connected Universe’

EA plans for a ‘Connected Universe’

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Battlefield 2042 is starting to pave the way for how EA wants to take this “connected universe” to the next level.

Putting more resources into the series overall and changing up its in-house studios is a good view of the way they want to take it.

EA chief operating officer, Laure Miele, has told Gamespot: “Collectively, we are out to unlock its enormous potential.”

Vince Zampella is also now in charge of the entire Battlefield franchise going forward, Zampella is already behind the leadership of the popular titles, Apex Legends and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and is known for the great insights of EA (if you choose to like them, or not!)

Credit: Venture Beat

Zampella went on to say: “We will continue to evolve and grow Battlefield 2042, and we’ll explore new kinds of experiences and business models along the way that we can add to that foundation to provide an awesome array of experiences for our players.”

Credit: Toms Guide

At this current point in time, details on the ‘Connected Universe’ are far and vague but we currently already know that the mobile version of Battlefield is already on route (be silly not to…) but Zampella didn’t confirm or deny any plans on the subject at hand. but his following statement says it all really…

Featured Image Credit: Gaming Intel

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